As a former career IDF officer in the Intelligence Corps, owner Gil Arie has deep expertise and a love for firearms. He founded 6A TACTICAL in 2021 with the aim of bringing his knowledge and passion for guns to others. Gil’s focus is on providing the best tactical self- and home-defense solutions; he offers technologically advanced small arms systems used by the top military and law enforcement agencies around the world.
The story of IWI US begins in 1933 when Israel Military Industries (IMI) Ltd. began firearms production in Israel under the British Mandate. In the late 1950s, IMI began a collaboration with the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) with the goal of developing the most technologically advanced small arms systems based upon the demands of troops fighting in urban areas and harsh environments. The unique combat conditions experienced by the IDF required a new paradigm in firearms development. The results included the most innovative and legendary firearm brands used by militaries, law enforcement agencies, and security personnel around the world. First the UZI®, then the TAVOR®, X95®, NEGEV®, GALIL ACE® and JERICHO®. In 2005, the Israeli government decided to spin off and privatize the small arms division of IMI, and Israel Weapon Industries (IWI) Ltd. was born.
The joint Research & Development (R&D) team of IWI and the IDF continue to develop small arms based on the dynamic changes in real-world applications due to the ongoing threat of global terrorism.
The intensive and continuous use of IWI’s product by the IDF and worldwide militaries such as Chile, Colombia, Georgia, India, Mexico, Nigeria, Peru, Portugal, Thailand, Ukraine, Vietnam, and many more, enable the company to continue to innovate new products and optimize existing models. All of our weapon systems are produced and assembled in compliance with the most stringent military (MIL-STD) and ISO 9001.2008 standards.[/vc_column_text]